Women from around the world, Welcome!
All dancers will be on their own computer/device. Even if you are in the same dwelling! So that all the video recordings have two boxes. And look like this:
Time of day for performance
Anytime on Wednesday, February 2 is good! If you wish, you could perform at 2:22 PM your time! Or, at 22 minutes after any hour that works for you and your partner. The main idea is that you dance on 2.2.22, and send out the energy of being in harmony with each other!
Solid white or black (no patterns, writing, or logos.) You can wear all black, or all white, or solid-color top and bottom combo. You and your partner can decide if you’re going to be the same or different. Either way!
Music & Choreography
This music was commissioned specifically for the 2.2.22 Duet Dance. The composer is Nicolas Soto.
The piece is precisely two minutes and 22 seconds long. The dance is in three parts:
- I. First Minute: Choreographed moves
- II. Second Minute: Partners create their own movements, attuning to each other.
- III. Final 22 seconds: Unison – Choreographed
For those of you who requested we find a partner for you, we will be assigning partners this week. We will email both of you, and try to keep you in similar time zones.
- January 9 – Music sent out and available on the website
- January 12 – Choreography sent out and available on the website
- January 18 – Zoom instructions (How to record, upload, and send in your video) sent out and available on website
Rehearsals for all Dancers
To learn some Zoom recording tricks, go over the choreography, and meet the other dancers, your Synchrony Sisters, join us for one or more of these optional Zoom meetings:
- January 26th – 12 pm (Noon) Eastern Time USA
- January 26th – 8 PM Eastern Time USA
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 2305 5317
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,84623055317# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,84623055317# US (New York)
Recording Instructions
Each pair will record themselves on a Zoom call (where each is on her own computer).
- Send recording to: https://www.dropbox.com/request/mcuOeIQNa8Pb7pxx1opg
- A compilation video of all duets will be created.
(See Equinox: Moment of Balance and 54 Capitals, 54 Dancers for recent Global Site Performance compilation videos.)