It was an honor for me to be interviewed by Hiie for her article "Touch, Movement, and Dance" in ...
It was an honor for me to be interviewed by Mathew for his series on Dancers in the Twin ...
Photographer David Larson of Stillwater, Minnesota, took these photos of Marylee, who waded out to these five submerged benches, ...
In her notice about the upcoming performance, Reporter Shelia Regan wrote a succinct history of Global Water Dances and Marylee's ...
Marylee talks about her work and shows slides, with Leslie Zahn, 2013: “Dancing Constellations”
...Dancing for Fresh Water Everywhere (link to article on the web) An article about Global Water Dances and Marylee's ...
Marylee's Solstice River work was featured in a five page article in the July-August 2005 issue.
Dancing on water June 18, 2004
This river is so beautiful," says Hardenbergh. "It's ...